Via del Corso A1 for English Speakers

In this English-speaker edition of Via del Corso A1, the instructions of the exercises, the targets of the unit and the grammar summaries are written in English. The book is complete with a Supplementary Grammar and an Italian-English Glossary with the translation of the words and expressions of the Student's book.

The DVD contains: 12 episodes of the video series set in Rome, an animated version of the graphic novel in 12 episodes, and 12 cultural videos.
The CDs contain the tracks for the listening and pronunciation exercises, as well as audio versions of the video series. A slower version of the audio tracks is also provided online to aid comprehension and intonation.

The book contains a printed access code for the i-d-e-e digital platform. This code provides students with online access to the interactive version of the textbook and workbook, the audio tracks and videos, and the additional games and resources available on the platform. The code provides free access to these online materials for a set number of hours, valid for 18 months from activation.

  • Autore: Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori
  • Formato: Brossura, 21 x 29 cm
  • Pagine: 248
  • Editore: Edizioni Edilingua
  • Collana: Corso di italiano per stranieri
  • Anno: 2019

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