Libri per adulti
Letteratura e narrativa
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"Lost Kisses" is showing at the 2011 Mill Valley Film Festival (October 15th, 9:30pm and October 16th, 1:00pm). In the not-so-charming Sicilian suburbs, mini-skirted Vespa-riding teenager Manuela sweeps hair off the floor at the local salon and tries to tolerate her dysfunctional family. In desperate need of attention, she announces the Virgin Mary has spoken to her in a dream, revealing the whereabouts of the missing head of the town's Madonna statue, knocked off its perch by a wayward soccer kick. When Manuela's revelation proves accurate, her ever-entrepreneurial mother seizes the opportunity to gain local fame and "tithes," aggressively exploiting her daughter's "supernatural powers." Directed by one of the most original voices in contemporary Italian cinema, Lost Kisses blends dreamy fiction, humor and bittersweet reality in a quirky mix reminiscent of the early work of Fellini and Almodovar. Milanese by birth and Sicilian by choice, Roberta Torre lovingly depicts the complexity of contemporary Sicily, a place where opposites coexist and religion and superstition are never very far apart. Manuela, tredici anni vissuti a Librino, un quartiere modello, periferico e degradato di Catania, un giorno si inventa di poter fare miracoli. La gente non desidera che crederle e da quel momento irrompe nella sua vita un'umanita' affamata e bisognosa che le chiede di tutto: dal posto di lavoro perduto alla vincita al Totocalcio. Mentre sua madre Rita intravede la possibilita' di farne un commercio, Manuela si spaventa e vorrebbe smettere di fare la santa, ma non e' piu' cosi' facile. Perche' suo malgrado un miracolo succede davvero.